Kenedy was able to try out to play volleyball this year for 7th grade. I was very excited that she was interested since that was my sport in high school and I still play and love it. Anyway, her season was over at the end of October and I haven't posted any pictures of her playing. I'm just posting 1 right now because I'm on Jim's lap top and the others are on our main computer which is not working right now.
In this picture, Kenedy is receiving a serve and it actually hits her in the head and bounces straight up. This was her first match of the season and it was rather humorous. I didn't think Jim got a picture of it because it happened so fast, but he happened to be trying to take a picture of her right when it happened with his phone. Anyway, if you look really hard, you can see the outline of the ball--sort of like a ghost image--quite a few times as it is coming off of her head. It's a classic picture that I thought I would share.